
Showing posts from March, 2021

First Draft

Week 7 editing

 - This week, we decided to work on the background music for our film because we have finished putting in all of our clips. The green bar underneath is the music being played during the film. - The same people working on this weeks editing is the same as last week. Not much work had to be done this week besides little final touches to clean it up. -For audio, we watched tutorials on how to upload music into our film without running into copyright issues and found the sound that fit best for our film. - We spent 2 class periods trying to figure out how to get the music on the computer. Then once we figured it out, we spent another class period trying to pick a song that we all agreed on.  -Overall, editing went very well this week and we finished the video completely. 

Week 6 Editing

This was the screen during the editing process. We used iMovie to edit our film because that is the software that we felt the most comfortable with. Overall, iMovie gave us no issues  while editing and everything went smooth. This is a photo of my group member and I working on the editing. We all worked together to decide what order the clips are in and made sure they were the right length.  We decided to put the titles at the end of the opener to make it a little more dramatic. The title that we came up with is, "The Next Level". This gave a good theme example of  going to college to play baseball/Softball which is the next level for high school athletes. We chose the title to go into the middle of the frame. Some of the video effects and transitions we used were in between each clips. We used the fade away transition for most of them because they fit the best. We also used cross dissolve, and cross blur.  So far in our editing process, we have not used any audio bu...